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Hi-Vis and angular shaped dog training balls with rope attachment. Designed to keep your dog entertained for longer for fetch games and agility training sessions.

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Rope Attached Dog Training Balls

Sizes: 60 mm

Colours: Neon Orange, Neon Yellow

Material: Hard Silicone (Yellow ball), Soft Silicone (Orange ball)

Our official IDC® Neon Dog Training Balls have a special angular design to make the bounce unpredictable, keeping your dog entertained for longer during games of fetch or training sessions. This design and the 60 mm size makes the ball ideal for dogs to grip in their mouths.

The bright neon colour keeps the training ball visible in bad weather and low light conditions. The attached rope handle aids throwing, gripping, and the loop handle can also be closed shut when not in use.

Available in two colours and materials:

Orange Ball: made of soft silicone

Yellow Ball: made of hard silicone.



High Quality Dog Toys & Training Equipment

Here at Julius-K9® we take pride in our products. All of our dog toys and training equipment is thoroughly tested to ensure they meet our high standards of quality and durability. This is why we are trusted by pet owners and professional dog trainers across Europe.

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