Quick Overview
  • Designed for long walks and hiking
  • Maximum dog comfort for extended periods of wear
  • Developed to distribute pressure evenly
  • Water-repellent
  • Safe and secure fitting
  • Easily fitted and removed
  • Hi-Vis reflective stitching
  • 2019 Red Dot Design Award winner
  • Custom label hook and loop attachment

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The IDC® Longwalk harness is ideal for hikes and long walks. The scientifically developed design greatly reduces the amount of friction and discomfort your dog will feel when wearing the harness over long periods, or tackling tricky terrain.

Designed For Serious Walks

Made from highly durable materials, the flexible and strong fabric is designed for long-lasting use.

The three specially built-in elastic elements in the chest and back increases comfort by helping keep the harness correctly placed and reducing friction.

It has rubber handle for maximum optimal grip even in the wettest conditions allowing you full control.

The tough dog lead ring at the top of the harness allows flexibility in tugs and pulls in any direction from attached leashes – keeping your dog both safe and comfortable while giving you maximum control over your pet.

Size Guide

SizeChest (cm)Neck (cm)Dog Weight (kg)
XS44 - 6028 - 407 - 12
S49 - 6638 - 469 - 15
M56 - 7638 - 5414 - 20
L66 - 8643 - 6018 - 25
XL70 - 9050 - 6526 - 33
2XL80 - 9655 - 7032 - 41
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