Julius K9 IDC® Powerharness with Side Rings

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Quick Overview
  • x2 Side Rings for attaching harness accessories
  • Used by professional dog security teams
  • Extra strong safety buckle to reliably cope with more weight
  • Allows the use of saddle bags and other attachments
  • Breathable fur and skin friendly inner lining
  • Changeable side patches
  • Suitable to wear over long periods
  • Scientifically proven not to hinder your dog's movement
  • Reflective edging

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Trusted by police dog units and professional canine trainers, this IDC® Powerharness from Julius K9 has two Side Rings that allow for easy attachment of harness accessories like saddle bags.

Perfect Pressure Distribution

The IDC® Powerharness range was developed for maximum safety and comfort for your dog and Side Ring version makes no compromises.

The harness has been specially developed to handle the extra weight of any dog accessories attached and has a stronger safety buckle for added reliability.

Pressure distribution has been scientifically developed and thoroughly tested to ensure weight and tension is optimally spread across the dog’s body evenly – greatly increasing safety and comfort.

Harness Size Guide

SizeChest (cm)Dog Weight (kg)
058 - 7614 - 25
163 - 8523 - 30
271 - 9628 - 40
382 - 11540 - 70


Measuring Your Dog

Place 4 fingers (about 2-3 inches) behind the dog’s front legs. From the finger furthest away from the legs measure the chest circumference for the harness.

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